Scarlet Sanctuary
Raid the final sanctuary of the Scarlet Crusade to put a stop to their fanatical scheming of retaking Lordaeron once and for all!
The Scarlet Sanctuary is an instance dungeon designed for World of Warcraft. It is a smaller sized dungeon with 4 bosses, 1 mini-boss, and a multitude of elite enemies.
One of the bosses will be modified depending on what order your part fights them in. Giving you different routes depending on which version of the boss fight is the easiest the party.
It is designed to be unique and possess mechanics that few other dungeons have, but still fit perfectly into the game.

Unreal Engine
Because of some rather unfortunate mistakes made by me, I can not give you new screenshots or in game views of the game as of writing this.
The project was on my school computer and when we ended this year, those computers got wiped. The saved version of my project that I exported from the computer is missing tons of files and can not be opened in Unreal Engine anymore.
Every image you see is taken before the school ended.
This was a very passionate project of mine as
the creation of instances and bosses is something
I absolutely love within game design.
But because of some time constrains and the project only being 4 weeks, this turned into a level design project rather than also being a gameplay project where I design bosses. Which is fine.
I was somewhat happy with the outcome, I wish I had more time to adjust parts of it to be exactly how I wanted it to be. Fixing routes, placing and programming enemies and their mechanics, e.t.c.
In the end I am contempt with what I have made, but I wish I could expand upon it further.
Project Retrospect

Here is an overview picture of the whole instance. It can be divided into three segments of linearity. Building - Courtyard - Cathedral.
When I was creating this I was deciding on how similar I wanted it to be to the existing Scarlet dungeons, specifically Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral. The elements of that dungeon do exist in this one too, first being indoors, going to a courtyard and then finishing the dungeon in a cathedral. I wanted that similarity, I wanted players to know exactly who this is and get the feeling and reference with ease as they play the dungeon.
Even if the enemies didn't have Scarlet names I wanted them to think "This is very similar to the Scarlet Monastery" to get that similar feeling. However, unlike the actualy Scarlet Monastery, this dungeon doesn't put its focus on the Courtyard and Cathedral, the main focus and experience is rooted in the Building section, where there are multiple routes that the players can take.
This pathing freedom is what I enjoy about Mythic+. Letting the player take interesting and different routes depending on their team's needs and doing just enough to fill the enemy percentage meter, instead of going a linear route to see which team can speedrun it the fastest.
There was also a specific mechanic of the dungeon that I was dead set on at the start of creating this concept. The first boss was able to be done as a second boss, and if so they will have modified mechanics that benefit a different team comp than what the first version would have.